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نرم افزار های پرکاربرد

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Lynda - Photoshop CC 2018 One-on-One: Advanced

دانلود Lynda - Photoshop CC 2018 One-on-One: Advanced - دانلود آموزش فتوشاپ

دانلود دوره آموزش سطح پیشرفته گام به گام فتوشاپ سی‌سی 2018 از شرکت لیندا

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دانلود Lynda - Photoshop CC 2018 One-on-One: Advanced مشاهده تصاویر بیشتر ...
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12936مشاهده |

128رأی |

امتیاز :4

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رایگان برای اعضای ویژه انگلیسی / رایگان برای اعضای ویژه

فرمت / حجم فایل:

4/04 GB / mp4

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با استفاده از این دورهٔ آموزشی سطح پیشرفته فتوشاپ سی‌سی 2018، می‌توانید کار با نرم‌افزار عالی و قدرتمند Photoshop CC را به بهترین نحو بصورت عملی-کاربُردی فرا بگیرید.. این آموزش، مرحلهٔ دوم از سری آموزش 3 مرحله‌ای فتوشاب شامل Fundamentals (مقدماتی)، Advanced (پیشرفته) و Mastery (حرفه‌ای) می‌باشد که با عنوان رسمی Photoshop CC 2018 One-on-One: Advanced منتشر شده است. هر دو مرحلهٔ دیگر یعنی مقدماتی و حرفه‌ای نیز در سایت سافت‌گذر برای دانلود قرار گرفته‌اند. این سری آموزش 3 قسمتی، سطح متوسط ندارد، به این دلیل که آموزش‌های سطح متوسط در لابلای دروس آموزش قبلی یعنی سطح مقدماتی، ادغام شده‌اند. آموزش‌های این دوره از تکنیک‌ها و مفاهیم مهمتر و خیلی جدی‌تر نرم‌افزار فوق محبوب Photoshop CC 2018 آغاز می‌شوند. این مجموعهٔ آموزشی، توسط مدرس طراحی گرافیک بسیار معروف و پرطرفدار، یعنی استاد Deke McClelland تدریس شده است.

توجه داشته باشید که سافت‌گذر این آموزش را بطور کامل، یعنی شامل همهٔ فایل ویدئویی این دوره به همراه تمامی فایل‌های تمرینی آن، برای دانلود قرار داده است. فایل‌های تمرینی این دوره، حجم بسیار زیادی دارند که به همین دلیل، بصورت جداگانه (در 4 قسمت مستقل) جهت دانلود (در صورت تمایل) قرار گرفته‌اند.


- دورهٔ «سطح مقدماتی» این آموزش با عنوان Lynda - Photoshop CC 2018 One-on-One: Fundamentals را می‌توانید از ایـنـجـــا دانلود کنید.

- دورهٔ «سطح حرفه‌ای» (استادی) این آموزش با عنوان Lynda - Photoshop CC 2018 One-on-One: Mastery را می‌توانید از ایـنـجـــا دانلود کنید.

تولید کننده: Lynda

تاریخ انتشار: 22-05-2018

سطح: پیشرفته

مدت زمان آموزش: 17 ساعت و 55 دقیقه و 40 ثانیه

زبان آموزش: انگلیسی

فایل‌های تمرینی (Exercise Files) : دارد

فرمت فایل‌های ویدئویی: MP4

مدرس: Deke McClelland


فهرست کامل سرفصل‌ها و عناوین این آموزش:


Welcome to One-on-One - 1m 53s

Previously on Photoshop CC 2018 One-on-One - 7m


I 16. The Advanced Selection Tools

Color range, focus area, and more - 1m 23s

Introducing the Color Range command - 6m

Customizing a Color Range selection - 4m 38s

Localized Color Clusters and Detect Faces - 6m 57s

Selecting a real-world photographic object - 4m 40s

Cleaning up with the Wand and Brush tools - 9m 51s

Refining your mask to absolute perfection - 12m 49s

Shading the airplane to match the sky - 7m 15s

Infusing the airplane with sky colors - 6m 20s

Adding a custom Motion Blur effect - 4m 27s

Adding a rocket plume - 4m 34s

Introducing the Focus Area command - 4m 31s

Using the Focus Area tool - 4m 50s

Cleaning up a jagged Focus Area mask - 9m 42s

Finessing hair and other details - 7m 25s

Using the Select > Subject command - 3m 12s


I 17. Layer Masks and Edge Refinement

Compositing like a pro - 2m 2s

Static selection vs. dynamic layer mask - 7m 9s

Perfecting mask edges with the Smudge tool - 4m 46s

White reveals, black conceals - 6m 43s

Real-world layer masking - 7m 21s

Combining multiple passes of Color Range - 6m 38s

Painting away gaps in a layer mask - 12m

Making your mask the best it can be - 11m 32s

Feather and Density = even better hair - 8m 12s

Introducing the Select and Mask command - 5m 19s

The Global Refinements settings - 4m 18s

Edge Detection and Smart Radius - 5m 49s

Refine Edge Brush and Decontaminated Colors - 7m

Turning day into night with Camera Raw - 2m 46s

Blending hair into a nighttime sky - 8m 32s

Bringing back good old Refine Mask - 7m 17s


I 18. Scale, Rotate, Skew, and Warp

Meet the transformations - 1m 32s

Introducing the Free Transform command - 7m 9s

Skewing and distorting a layer - 5m 31s

Bending and otherwise warping a layer - 6m 54s

Creating a cheerful bat-faced moon - 5m 51s

Real-world scaling and compositing - 8m 8s

Quick-and-dirty layer masking - 4m 25s

Transform and duplicate in one operation - 8m 2s

Removing the color from a layer - 5m 17s

Transforming a selection outline - 5m 49s

Repeating one or more transformations - 8m 32s

Transforming and warping text - 8m 31s

Filling text with a warped gradient - 6m 24s


I 19. Smart Objects

Indestructible envelopes - 1m 46s

Three ways to create a smart object - 4m 51s

Applying nondestructive transformations - 7m 14s

Applying nondestructive distortions - 6m 21s

Masking smart objects - 8m 53s

Editing the contents of a smart object - 10m 2s

Applying editable smart adjustments - 6m 44s

Applying and blending smart filters - 6m 43s

Editing a filter mask - 6m 53s

Applying Camera Raw as a smart filter - 5m 30s

Opening a Camera Raw smart object - 3m 39s

Two ways to duplicate a smart object - 5m 45s

Protecting editable text - 5m 8s

Using nested smart objects - 5m 25s

Editing text inside a nested smart object - 3m 12s

Pasting smart objects from Illustrator - 6m 3s

Applying Photoshop effects to Illustrator art - 4m 29s

Troubleshooting Illustrator smart objects - 4m 58s


I 20. Image Reconstruction

Restoring missing details - 45s

“Uncropping” a photo by expanding the canvas - 5m 54s

Using the Content-Aware Scale command - 7m 36s

Restoring a missing photographic element - 9m 42s

Fitting an image to a custom print size - 8m 23s

Applying an image stack mode - 6m 47s

Combining a stack mode with spot healing - 4m 5s

Erasing people with the Median mode - 7m 23s

Blurring away registration problems - 4m 21s

Auto-blending multiple depths of field - 6m 34s

Auto-blending with more flexibility - 5m 35s


I 21. Liquifying an Image

Perfecting the human form - 1m 13s

Introducing the Liquify filter - 8m 7s

Using the Pucker and Bloat tools - 9m 29s

The Twirl, Push, and Smooth tools - 7m 2s

Using Liquify’s masking tools - 8m 23s

Face-Aware Liquify - 5m 29s

Special face-recognition scenarios - 5m 21s

Making direct edits with the Face tool - 3m 59s

Resetting any and all facial features - 3m 55s


I 22. Vector Shapes

The Photoshop alternative to pixels - 1m 15s

How vector-based shape layers work - 7m 6s

Drawing a rectangle with round corners - 6m 51s

Making your path outlines easier to see - 4m 51s

Creating a dashed or dotted border - 10m 33s

Drawing and aligning custom shapes - 5m 14s

Creating your own custom shape - 5m 23s

Designing a custom shape in Illustrator - 6m 12s

Selecting, modifying, and combining shapes - 7m 43s

Duplicating and centering shapes - 6m 21s

Centering a star inside a circle - 3m 30s

Beveling your shapes with Pillow Emboss - 5m 56s

Combining shapes into a smart object - 6m 33s

Applying lighting and photorealism - 8m 2s

Converting text to a shape layer - 5m 33s

Editing the shape of a character of type - 5m 10s


I 23. Blend Modes

Blending layers like a pro - 1m 25s

Normal and Dissolve - 4m 54s

Using the Dissolve mode - 5m 44s

Multiply and the other darken modes - 6m 20s

Using the Multiply mode - 6m 59s

Screen and the other lighten modes - 4m 49s

Using the Screen mode - 9m 31s

Using the Dodge and Burn modes - 5m 38s

Overlay and the contrast modes - 7m 17s

Using the Overlay and Soft Light modes - 6m 32s

Difference, Exclusion, Subtract, and Divide - 6m 15s

Capturing the differences between images - 4m 57s

Hue, Saturation, Color, and Luminosity - 7m 55s

Blend mode keyboard shortcuts - 5m 48s

The Brush tool blend modes - 5m 34s

The remarkable Fill Opacity Eight - 7m 29s

Blend If: This layer and underlying layer - 7m 28s


I 24. Layers Effects

Depth, contour, and texture - 1m 32s

Applying a Drop Shadow - 6m 23s

Working with Fill Opacity - 4m 5s

Applying an Inner Shadow - 6m 19s

Working with Global Light - 5m 6s

Creating blurry, spray paint-style type - 7m 57s

Creating your own custom Contour - 5m 43s

Introducing Bevel & Emboss - 7m 13s

Combining multiple layer effects - 4m 18s

Copying effects between layers and groups - 5m 2s

Assigning multiple strokes to a single layer - 6m 42s

Combining multiple drop shadows - 4m 59s


I 25. Levels and Curves

Mastering the histogram - 1m 20s

Correcting an image automatically - 6m 2s

Customizing a Levels adjustment - 5m 54s

Previewing clipped pixels - 6m 10s

Understanding the Gamma value - 4m 27s

Making channel-by-channel adjustments - 7m 4s

Cleaning up scanned line art - 7m 5s

Cleaning up complex mechanicals - 5m 53s

Quicker layer masks with Levels - 7m 5s

Introducing the Curves adjustment - 7m 22s

The Curves Targeted Adjustment tool - 5m 27s

Assigning shortcuts to adjustment layers - 5m 51s


I 26. Lens Correction and Perspective Warp

What to do when everything is crooked - 1m 7s

Introducing Lens Correction - 3m 52s

Distortion, aberrations, and vignette - 5m 22s

Adjusting angle and perspective - 5m 29s

Using the Perspective Warp command - 6m 24s

Fine-tuning your perspective adjustment - 7m 15s

Evening out color and lighting - 4m 10s


I 27. Advanced Camera Raw

The most powerful Photoshop plugin returns - 1m 12s

Automatic lens correction and Defringe - 6m 9s

Auto-correcting a JPEG image - 5m 13s

Auto-correcting an undocumented photo - 6m 24s

Auto-Straighten, Transform, and Upright - 6m 23s

Using the Tone Curve graphs - 6m 2s

Painting with the Adjustment Brush - 7m

Using the Graduated Filter tool - 6m 2s

Using the Radial Filter tool - 6m 57s

Dehaze and Post-Crop Vignetting - 6m 13s


I 28. Black and White Photography

Shoot in color, convert to black and white - 1m 53s

Three ways to convert to grayscale - 6m 17s

Introducing the Channel Mixer - 6m 32s

Mixing a custom black-and-white image - 6m

Creating an infrared/snow effect - 4m 36s

Introducing the Black & White adjustment - 2m 31s

Customizing a Black & White adjustment - 4m 57s

Tinting an image - 3m 21s

Blending black-and-white with color - 5m 2s

Convert to Grayscale in Camera Raw - 5m 51s

Split Toning in Camera Raw - 3m 45s


I 29. Duotones and Colorization

Infusing black-and-white with color - 1m 29s

Quick-and-dirty colorization - 3m 11s

Creating a professional-quality sepia tone - 3m 27s

The best of the best: Gradient Map - 4m 57s

Loading my free, tailor-made gradients - 5m 8s

Designing your own custom quadtone - 5m 22s

Creating psychedelic arbitrary maps - 4m 38s


I 30. Sharpening Details

How sharpening works - 1m 40s

Introducing Unsharp Mask - 7m 16s

Blending your sharpening effect - 4m 54s

Reining in sharpness with a filter mask - 6m 47s

Introducing Smart Sharpen - 5m 33s

Remove: Lens Blur and Reduce Noise - 4m 32s

Preventing shadow/highlight clipping - 3m 49s

Compensating for camera shake - 4m

Further compensating with Emboss - 3m 20s

Sharpening with the High Pass filter - 4m 11s

Painting with the Sharpen tool - 2m 8s



Until next time - 57s

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